You’re Never Really Ready for Coaching

Why Waiting for the Perfect Moment Might Be Holding You Back

You’re never really “ready” for coaching.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s that the perfect moment to invest in your business almost never arrives.

  • I made my first high-ticket investment when I had less than $2k to my name.

  • I joined my first mastermind right after my highest-paying client fired me.

  • And I hired my first 1:1 coach when I was $35k in debt, walking away from a business I hated.

I used to think investing in my business would get easier once I made more money—as if the risk would shrink as my bank account grew. But that’s not how it works.

Most of us, when we hit our first $100k, breathe a sigh of relief and live off it. But then reality hits: the knowledge that got us to $100k isn’t the same knowledge that will get us to $250k.

In a strange way, pain was always my first sign that I needed to grow.

I’ll never forget my first mentor telling me, “If I was down to my last $100, I’d invest it in myself.”

He’d always say that if you stripped away all his businesses and assets, he’d bet on himself that within a year, he’d have it all back.

Of course, we all want the pain and lessons to be over with—or at least to go bother someone else.

But the difference between those who make it and those who don’t is the willingness to move toward what’s difficult.

You’re never going to feel completely ready to take the leap. (Personally, I’m more of the nauseous leaper than the gung-ho type.)

There’s always going to be that voice in your head telling you to wait until the timing is perfect, until you’ve got more money, or until you’ve figured everything out.

But waiting for the perfect moment often means missing the moment altogether.

“Anyone who has grown mentally, physically, or spiritually knows that growth is not found in comfort.” - Anonymous

Growth happens when you step out of your comfort zone and invest in yourself, even when it feels like a risk.

If you’re feeling that pull, let’s talk about how coaching can help you break through those barriers and take your business to the next level.

Book your call here. Doors close to 1:1 coaching for 2024 this Monday.
