Why Copy and Paste Doesn't Work

Step 1: Identify a successful marketer.

Step 2: Copy what a successful marketer does.

Step 3: Get very different ( … often worse) results.

Sound familiar?

But why?!?

Doesn’t success leave clues?

The missing ingredient in this recipe is … intent. 

All marketing has an intention.

What newer businesses are trying to do

 is “copy and paste” a strategy that fits a $3M+ business

And slap it onto a $150k business. 

Square peg. Round hole. 

To be more specific marketing has 3 intentions:

  1. Conversion

  2. Acquisition

  3. Awareness

A business at $150k needs lead flow.

Therefore their marketing intent needs to match the goal of conversion

AKA how many emails or leads can I get?

A business at $3M+ already has lead flow and cash flow. 

Their goal is awareness.

AKA how do I expand my total addressable market?

This is a much longer-term strategy. 

They’re not concerned about conversion or acquisition.

If you can’t get paid 

You can’t keep the lights on. 

Again, it has a very different intent. 

If you really want to copy and paste. 

Go look at a similar-sized business with a similar intent.

It will give you a much better understand 

of the marketing necessary to succeed. 

Better yet, if you want to see me break down the 

You can check it out here
