This Is Why You're Blocked

Paid ads might have taught me the most pivotal lesson in business.

I was terrified...

Real money. Lots of doubt. Zero faith.

I spent a whopping $50 and got crickets.

I went back to my coach and said,

"Told you so! Paid ads don’t work!"

He smiled and replied, "Welcome to the start of your journey."

"Huh?" I responded.

"Go rewrite the headline in five different ways.

Don’t change anything else.

Put $10 behind each version."

That simple advice cracked something open within me.

In my mind, "not working" meant failure—an absolute.

In my mentor’s mind, "not working" signaled a starting point,

the beginning of infinite possibilities.

And that is what I want to impart today:

Just because something isn’t working in your business

doesn’t mean it will never work.

And just because you try something and it flops

doesn’t mean you’re a failure.

Everything can be fixed and optimized.

I hope today that this story gives you solace and courage to start.

The solution to your business challenges

won’t come from overanalyzing in a vacuum.

It only comes from real-world testing and optimizing.
