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The Hardest Part

It isn’t when you have 500 people attending a masterclass, it’s when you’ve got 2.
It isn’t when you’re earning $50k in revenue, it’s when you’ve got $2k.
It isn’t when you’ve got 5k subscribers, it’s when you’ve got 2.
Because at 2 entrepreneurs make bad decisions from bad data.
Because at 2 the ego wants to be right, it wants to be liked, and it wants to look good.
Because at 2 your linear mind is stronger than your quantum mind.
I’ll openly admit that the most significant investments I made in coaching, hiring, and infrastructure came long before the revenue justified them.
On paper, these decisions weren’t traditionally “smart” but I’d make them again in a second.
Here’s why:
Money is renewable—time isn’t.
Entrepreneurship, to me, is a choice between stumbling through on my own or accelerating my growth through strategic investments. Can I outpace the investment with the value they bring?
I can’t tell you what’s best for your business. You’ll have to make that decision yourself.
But remember, every entrepreneur is like a bird learning to fly—it’s the leap that makes you ready.

PS: Wanna learn how to grow your audience and get more clients without depending on social? Check out the free training here.