The 3 Lies You’re Telling Yourself About Pricing


Pricing isn’t just about $$$—it’s about qualifying for desire.

If you’re like most coaches or course creators, you’ve probably told yourself a few lies about pricing that are holding you back.

Let’s break down the 3 biggest lies we tell ourselves about charging premium prices—and how they’re costing you more than you realize:

Lie #1: "If I charge too much, no one will buy."

Truth: Pricing reflects value, not affordability.

Premium clients aren’t looking for a bargain; they’re looking for a solution. And when someone is seeking a premium solution, they expect to pay premium prices.

Think about it:
If you walked into a luxury store and saw a premium bag for $50, when you expect to pay upwards of $5,000, your first thought wouldn’t be, “What a steal!” It would be, “What’s wrong with it?”

The same applies to your services. Pricing too low signals to potential clients that you might not be as good as you say you are.

Ask yourself: What transformation am I offering, and how much is that solution worth over the lifetime of my client?

Lie #2: "I need to be more experienced before I can charge premium prices."

Truth: Your price isn’t tied to your years of experience—it’s tied to the value you deliver and the standards you set.

Clients don’t care how long you’ve been in business, they care about whether you can deliver results.

Think about it this way:
It might take you just an hour or two to provide a solution, but it’s taken you years—even decades—to develop the expertise to make that happen.

You’re charging for your lifetime of experience, not the hour of interaction.

Instead of doubting if you’re ready, ask yourself: What qualifications or prerequisites should my clients meet to achieve the best results with me? Setting clear expectations not only establishes your value but positions you as the authority, ensuring your pricing reflects the transformation you deliver.

Lie #3: "If I charge more, I have to give more."

Truth: Premium pricing isn’t about adding more—it’s about delivering efficiently.

Charging premium prices doesn’t mean you need to overload your offer with features, bonuses, or hours. It’s about making the transformation faster, simpler, and more impactful.

Take Apple vs. Android, for example, Android devices often outperform Apple in terms of speed, features, and power. But Apple’s strength has always been user simplicity—like Steve Jobs’ iconic vision for the iPhone with just one button.

That’s what premium clients want: clarity, not complexity.

Ask yourself: How can I simplify the process while maximizing results?

So, What’s Holding You Back?

Most pricing blocks aren’t about your clients—they’re about you.

Your price is a reflection of how much you value your work, your expertise, and the results you provide.

If you’re still struggling to charge what you’re worth, ask yourself:

  • What story am I telling myself about my value?

  • How would my pricing change if I believed 100% in the transformation I provide?

  • What could happen if I started charging premium prices today?

It’s time to stop playing small.

Your clients are ready for the transformation you offer. The real question is: Are you ready to charge for it?
