
The problem with your 

messaging is your ego.

(Let me explain …)

Messaging is the #1 reason your business

doesn’t have the lead flow 

or clients it deserves. 

If I could only solve 1 problem inside your business,

it’s helping you clearly define what valuable problem you solve.

It gotta be so ‘dialed in’ that …

when you put that message in front of your dream clients

they unequivocally say, “I gotta have that!”

Anything less and you’re wasting energy. 

Because messaging informs your

  • Social media content

  • Email marketing

  • Paid ads

  • Sponsorships

  • Partnerships. 

  • Landing pages

  • And the list goes on.

But here’s why I said

“The problem with your messaging is your ego.”

Messaging is the only part of your business that isn’t about you.

It does NOT define who you are. 

“But I don’t want to be know as the 

person that does (fill in the blank)!”

It does NOT define your worth or expertise.

“But my work is so much more!”

“I’m so much better than they are!”

And it does NOT change the work you do. 

“But that’s not the part of my work I care about!”

Instead, messaging is about 

meeting your ideal client where they’re at.

And where they’re at is in pain.

Not pain from the perspective of manipulation.

But the pain of being an ambitious, capable, intelligent 

human being who has tried everything 

yet still is coming up short.

There’s no doubt that your work is what they need but …

The way you describe your work is so far ahead of where they are, it is not even on their radar.

They’re in the …

“My business is failing”

“My relationship is over”

“My health is deteriorating”

So meet them there. 


let your marketing educate them as to 

why their solution might be so much deeper.

So my nudge to you today is to be open

to the possibility that your ego is

getting in the way of your messaging.

Can you release the attachment to how you’re seen?

And instead, make it about meeting your client, where they’re at.

Can your messaging help them to feel acknowledged, seen, and heard?


PS - If you want to dive into free training on

Check it out here.

PSS - There’s also a way to win a free 1:1 coaching session 

to evaluate your business and messaging.

No pitch. No hidden upsell. Zero things to buy.