How to Get More Clients Without Social

To really answer this question,

You need to understand what social was

And what it now isn’t.

Social was a 2-in-1 shampoo.

Daily content could:

Nurture an audience 

And generate new leads.

I don’t think I need to tell you

That’s no longer the case. 

I have a client with over 250k followers.

On a good day,

7% of his audience to see his post. 

On a bad day,

Less than 1%.

Unlike most wisdom, 

Marketing has an expiration date.

There is only a window of time 

that market works.

Because the more people playing,

The louder the noise,

And the more diluted your message becomes

But here’s what I’ve learned

While social’s effectiveness may have fallen off a cliff,

The principles of marketing stay the same.

Those being:

  1. Relevancy - What important problem do you solve for me?

  2. Frequency - How often are you top of mind?

  3. Trust - Can I trust you to genuinely solve my problems?

So if you want to survive, 

You need to build a better marketing mouse trap. 

Most of your dream clients,

don’t want to be on social.

They know it’s not good 

for their psyche.

So where are they?

How do you capture them?

And how do you make sure your message stands out?

I made a free 21-minute training just for you.

No pitch

No hidden upsell.

Zero things to buy.

If you want to check out ‘How to Build an Audience without Depending on Social’ you can watch it for free here.
