Beginners Guide to Shadow Work for Business Owners

Ever felt that surge of anxiety when trying out a simple marketing strategy?

It’s scary putting yourself out there, isn’t it?

Rest assured, you're not alone.

Yet, what’s rarely discussed is the dual nature of marketing—the visible and the hidden.

The visible part of marketing is tactical and straightforward. 

It's packed with "how-to" strategies and 

clear answers that satisfy our logical minds.

However, the hidden part, the shadow, is far from straightforward. 

It's the emotional undercurrents that tug at our gut and heart. 

If we ignore them, they show up as “fight or flight” responses, 

trying to protect us from perceived threats.

All shadows aren’t bad.

An integrated shadow can become a powerful ally, 

intuitively guiding us like a finely tuned GPS 

through the uncertainties of business.

But an unchecked shadow can sabotage us, like a disobedient child, 

It can lead us to lash out and impulsively judge and criticize.

So, how do we deal with this shadow? 

By developing what I like to call 'precognitive awareness' …

For every tactical "how-to", there’s an emotional 

counterpart that we need to address.

Here are five key areas in every coaching business, and the deeper, often unasked questions they bring up:

#1. Messaging: Articulating the problem you solve invites you to explore your identity. How is your self-worth tie to other people’s perceptions? Can the two be separated? If it doesn’t come from others, where does self worth come from?

#2. Marketing: Regular content creation allows us to confront imposter syndrome. If I feel unqualified, is that a fact or fiction? What is my metric for “being” qualified? Is there potential to reframe it?

#3. Audience Building: Growing at scale gives us an opportunity to spend on ads. What is your relationship to risk or debt? Is our need to see immediate return stopping us from building a long-term business? 

#4. Product: Pricing our offerings allows us to investigate value.  “Who am I to charge this much?” How do I balance integrity and making a living?

#5. Sales: What’s my relationship to rejection? How do I feel when someone chooses my competition over me? How do I stand in my worth?

Exploring these areas isn't just about finding answers

it's about understanding that our deepest beliefs often limit our potential.

It’s why so many clients come to me to work 1:1.

So, the next time you find yourself thinking,

"I should be further along" or "Why is this so hard?" 

remember—the real work involves exploring these shadows to create lasting change.


PS - Want more clients without relying on social? Watch my free training here.