7 Reasons To Start a Newsletter in 2024

If you want more clients for your business, here are 7 reasons to start a newsletter in 2024:

  1. You Own the Delivery

Email is one of the last frontiers where you control the frequency and delivery of your message. No algorithm from Bezos to Zuck determines who sees your content. With less than 4% of your audience seeing your message on social (depending on the study) versus the 50%+ open rate of emails, owning your list is kind of a no-brainer.

  1. Easy Setup

Forget paying for email platforms and the hassle of connecting them to separate landing page technologies. Platforms like Beehiiv make it incredibly easy to start. You could have a simple landing page and your first newsletter publication sent within the hour.

  1. Cost-Effective Audience Building

You don’t have to pay for an audience (I started organically), but a small, consistent spend can go a long way. While everyone else is overpaying for attention on social, newsletter attention is like the Wild West—there’s a lot of opportunity. Platforms like Beehiiv’s Boost, Sparkloop, & PassionFroot are making it easier to connect your perfect audience with your newsletter.

  1. Media Continuity

The more effort required to give you my information, the less likely I am to do it. In marketing, this is called user friction. If I’m on Instagram, I want to stay on Instagram. If I’m listening to a podcast, I want to keep listening. Podcasts, though high quality when they do convert, have one of the lowest download-to-opt-in ratios of any medium because of the work involved in stopping what you’re doing and switching platforms. Newsletters are the opposite. They have one of the best conversion percentages—if you’re clicking a link, it requires little effort to give your email.

  1. Nice and Easy Sales

Of course, we all want immediate sales, but the best clients are those who find you when they’re ready. This requires a frequent peppering of know, like, and trust. Newsletters are one of the best ways to share your frameworks, strategies, and odd quirks that make you, you.

  1. Content on Demand

I’m not a writer. In fact, I’m pretty sh*t at it. But one of the added bonuses of sitting down to write each week has been the collection and organization of stories. Talking points for podcasts have become easier. Showing up on social & YouTube has a pipeline of starting points. Even client coaching has gotten easier because I have anecdotal stories ready at hand and resources too.

  1. The Mentals

One of the most unexpected benefits of starting a newsletter has been its positive impact on my mental health. The regular practice of writing and hitting send has helped me let go of my perfectionism. Being away from the constant comparison on social media—not worrying about likes or comments—has been refreshing. It’s just me and my routine, and I find genuine pride in that.

If you’ve been curious about starting a newsletter, do it. In a future post, I’ll talk about some of my do’s and don’ts for growing a newsletter but that’s for another day.


PS - Beehiiv has been my favorite platform to build a newsletter (even if you’re like me and don’t like tech). You can check it out here.